First Time Smoking: What To Expect

Talk to any veteran stoner, and I can guarantee that they vividly recall their first time smoking. You will hear overwhelmingly positive stories about giggling with friends, munching on their favorite foods, and enjoying the euphoric state of mind. However, many people are nervous before their first time smoking cannabis. Although it’s normal to have […]


Seth Rogen: Cannabis Legend

When was the last time you got the giggles from cannabis? And I mean serious giggles. Like laugh so hard you fall on the floor giggles. Any pot smoker has countless stories about euphoric laughter bringing them to tears, and many times this happens while watching movies and television. After passing around a joint, putting […]


Smoking Flower: Which Ways Are Best?

There are few smells more instantly recognizable than cannabis flower. When one opens up a new ounce, the dank scent hits nostrils like a heavyweight fighter, and the smell of burning cannabis makes any stoner’s head turn. Cannabis smoke is like nothing else, but what is the best way to produce that smoke? What’s the […]

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