The Advantages of Edibles

Many people think the only way to consume cannabis is by smoking it, but this is not the case. There are a multitude of ways to ingest cannabis, such as oils, vapes, pills, and edibles. Furthermore, each method of using cannabis affects one’s body in a slightly different fashion. Some methods work instantaneously and wear […]


Dazed and Confused: A Movie Review

When one hears the phrase, “alright, alright, alright,” its impossible not to think of Richard Linklater’s 1993 classic Dazed and Confused. An image of 1970s America, the film romanticizes high school life in a small town. Following a group of seniors and freshman on the last day of school, the film shows their hijinks, driving […]


4/20: A History Of A Stoner Holiday

Most holidays celebrate religious traditions, changing seasons, important national moments, and old pagan rituals. However, one holiday breaks this mold, celebrating the incredible powers of the cannabis plant, 4/20. Stoners everywhere hold April 20th near and dear to their hearts, taking time to enjoy a sublime high. Many stoners build up a year’s worth of […]

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