Strains and Cannabinoids: Cannabis 101

In our last blog in our Cannabis 101 series, we discussed how many people believe the only form of cannabis is marijuana. We debunked this myth and showed that there are a wide variety of cannabis products. However, this variety is likely more abundant than you believe, and it’s caused by cannabis strains and cannabinoids. […]


Seth Rogen: Cannabis Legend

When was the last time you got the giggles from cannabis? And I mean serious giggles. Like laugh so hard you fall on the floor giggles. Any pot smoker has countless stories about euphoric laughter bringing them to tears, and many times this happens while watching movies and television. After passing around a joint, putting […]


The Advantages of Edibles

Many people think the only way to consume cannabis is by smoking it, but this is not the case. There are a multitude of ways to ingest cannabis, such as oils, vapes, pills, and edibles. Furthermore, each method of using cannabis affects one’s body in a slightly different fashion. Some methods work instantaneously and wear […]


Dazed and Confused: A Movie Review

When one hears the phrase, “alright, alright, alright,” its impossible not to think of Richard Linklater’s 1993 classic Dazed and Confused. An image of 1970s America, the film romanticizes high school life in a small town. Following a group of seniors and freshman on the last day of school, the film shows their hijinks, driving […]

What is Cannabis?

What Is Cannabis: Cannabis 101

Learning about cannabis can be intimidating. Different strains of cannabis, different ways to ingest cannabis, and different types of highs result in a lot of cannabis lingo. Also, using cannabis affects every person uniquely, so one needs to try a variety of cannabis substances and consumption methods to understand what they like best. Although it […]


Fun Things To Do When You’re Stoned

Getting stoned is a great way to relax. After a long day at work or a way to enjoy the weekend, cannabis products can turn an average night into an entertaining adventure. Every stoner has countless stories about times when using cannabis led to a hilarious event. However, you might feel like you don’t get […]


Smoking Flower: Which Ways Are Best?

There are few smells more instantly recognizable than cannabis flower. When one opens up a new ounce, the dank scent hits nostrils like a heavyweight fighter, and the smell of burning cannabis makes any stoner’s head turn. Cannabis smoke is like nothing else, but what is the best way to produce that smoke? What’s the […]


Willie Nelson: Cannabis Legend

Few genres of music have the nostalgic themes of Country Music. Pickup trucks, cold beer, and romantic flings pervade almost every Country song, bringing back good memories for anyone who has spent time in rural America. While one enjoys the warm nostalgia of Country, enjoying some cannabis is a great way to elevate the chill […]

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