First Time Smoking: What To Expect

Talk to any veteran stoner, and I can guarantee that they vividly recall their first time smoking. You will hear overwhelmingly positive stories about giggling with friends, munching on their favorite foods, and enjoying the euphoric state of mind. However, many people are nervous before their first time smoking cannabis. Although it’s normal to have first-time jitters, it’s always nice to have peace of mind. Today, we’re going to walk you through what you can expect for your first time smoking cannabis. Furthermore, we’ll also share some stoner traditions and tips to ensure you have the best time possible. 

What Does Smoking Cannabis Feel Like?

Everyone experiences cannabis in a unique way. What makes one person feel bubbly might make another person super relaxed. However, there are shared elements from every cannabis high that a first-timer can expect to experience. 

You might be surprised that when you take your initial puff, you do not feel high immediately. You might not even feel a distinct sensation for the first several tokes. When you have never gotten high before, your body doesn’t know what to expect. Therefore, it might take some time until you feel a pronounced sensation. What is Cannabis?

What happens for most people is that something “cracks,” and the euphoric feelings break through. Maybe your friend tells a funny joke and you can’t stop laughing, or you zone out for a minute or two, or you become entranced by a song that’s playing. Once this happens, and you know that you feel different than usual, the cannabis high completely takes hold.

You will experience intense feelings of excitement, happiness, and curiosity. The most banal items suddenly seem incredibly fascinating. The taste of ice cream in your mouth, the feeling of running your hand through your hair, and even staring at patterned wallpaper becomes completely captivating. Your body’s altered state results in every stimulus causing a unique, original sensation you have never felt before.

However, the feeling is not overly intense. It doesn’t manifest a teeth-grinding craze; rather, the cannabis high feels warm and inviting. The high will gradually wear off, and two or more hours after smoking it will be gone entirely, although you might feel a little groggy until the next morning.

How To Ensure You Have A Good Time

Regardless of how, where, or with whom you enjoy cannabis for the first time, you will likely make many memories. However, there are several things every novice should do to ensure they have a good time. Firstly, you should find some friends to smoke with. Maybe several of you can be first-timers, but having a veteran with you is always good. Someone who has used cannabis before will help guide you on your journey and will give you peace of mind. They can make sure you all enjoy yourselves and stay safe.

On a lighter note, you should also plan out some activities for when you are high. Maybe you go with a stoner classic, like listening to Pink Floyd’s Dark Side of the Moon, or you pick a trippy, colorful TV show to watch. You should also stock up on tasty snacks, as you will definitely get the munchies. Picking out a video game to play can be a blast, and petting your dog or cuddling with your cat is delightful. Without a doubt, you will go off the rails at some point, so make sure to be flexible. But trust me, you’ll be glad you picked out a few things to do before you try cannabis for the first time.

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